Worth studying.
Students save 10% on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, and 6% on any iPad. Power through University and beyond with our best ever student discounts.
How to claim your student discount.
Shop in-store
Take along your NUS card, equivalent ID from your uni or college, or your acceptance letter.
Shop online
You'll need a student login to shop online. If you don't already have one, create a new account here and select 'Student' in the Sign-in section. We will contact you for a copy of your NUS card, equivalent ID from your uni or college, you can use/reply from your college/uni email address or provide a copy of your acceptance letter before we process your order.
Mac will power you through University.

Terms & Conditions
*Sales eligible to individuals attending (or have an acceptance letter for) a College/Higher/Further Education Institution with a valid proof of status, only one claim per customer. Student discount is off Apple List Price. Eligible customers - Must be attending (or have an acceptance letter for) a College/Higher/Further Education Institution, the parent buying for a student, faculty or staff member from any level. Valid proof of status - NUS card, university card, admission confirmation letter from a valid institution or Teacher Employee ID card or official letter from the Teacher’s institution showing the Teacher is affiliated to a Primary or Secondary or Higher Institution or an email from a institutional address that is active and can be used. All Apple discounts are based on Apple prices, as seen on www.apple.com/uk. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with education or any other discount. Offers may be withdrawn at any time and for any reason. Sales can be declined at any time and for any reason. Goods cannot be purchased on a credit account and payment, in full, must clear at time of purchase. Finance is subject to credit check and acceptance by Klarna Financial Services UK Limited. E&OE
**Price includes Student Discount for Mac and iPad.